Learning Design

Hawaii Department of Education

Reopening SY 2020-2021 with Nā Hopena Aʻo (Hā)

Continuity of Learning

Features tips and tools to help parents navigate and support continuous learning for students, including resources to supplement distance learning provided by schools.

Schools and teachers (k12.hi.us email required for access)

Features resources for teachers to use for offline or online remote learning, or a combination of both. It also provides guidance for complex area support in developing distance learning plans based on classes and demographics.

A foundation for the work of educators

The Hawai‘i State Department of Education (HIDOE), Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design, initiated this resource in 2018 with the feedback of HIDOE educators to ensure we fulfill our mission: We serve our community by developing the academic achievement, character and social-emotional well-being of our students to the fullest potential. We work with partners, families and communities to ensure that all students reach their aspirations, from early learning through college, career and citizenship.

The Learning Design site is comprised of:

Goals of the Learning Design Resource

The Hawai‘i DOE seeks to empower all students to set and achieve their aspirations and support opportunities for students to engage in the real-world application of their learning through experiences, questions, and challenges. The environment is one in which students’ plans for college and careers are informed by relevant and engaging learning experiences that incorporate their strengths and interests and prepare them to succeed in their postsecondary endeavors. Students are encouraged to explore a wide range of career options and discover their passion through personalized learning experiences, opportunities to choose elective subjects, and access to internships and community partnerships.

This site honors the central role of complex areas and schools to make purposeful curricular, instructional and assessment-related decisions to support students’ success in college, career and community. The site therefore serves as a guiding resource for educators with a shared vision of producing responsible, productive members of a global society who contribute to a vibrant civic life (BOE Policy E-101).

Introduction from Dr. Christina M. Kishimoto, Superintendent of Schools

Aloha and welcome to the Hawai‘i State Department of Education’s (HIDOE) Learning Design Resource. The Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design has curated this dynamic array of information and resources to support schools as they continue to design standards-based, applied learning experiences to engage their students in rigorous and innovative learning.

Users are encouraged to delve into the information and resources as we scale student engagement through authentic and meaningful opportunities that honor student voice and ownership in their own learning. The purpose of the Learning Design Resource is to:

  • Share research-based information and resources on innovative curriculum, instruction, assessment and student work products;

  • Highlight local, national, and global instructional design elements to drive equity and excellence; and

  • Advance school design initiatives within complex areas and schools to ensure that HIDOE schools are schools of first choice for families.

The site is accessible to our Hawai‘i Department of Education statewide. Additionally, it serves as an instructional platform to communicate with our families, local organizations, potential teacher applicants, and education and industry partners as we build a collective vision on effectuating our Department’s next decade of work, which will be articulated in a 2030 Promise Plan, centered on five visionary promises to students.

Supt. Christina Kishimoto meets with students from Hau'ula Elementary.

We welcome and invite complex areas and educators to share culturally relevant, innovative exemplars and experiences that leverage high-quality practices to scale excellence in our Hawaii public schools. Please contact LDR@hawaiidoe.k12.hi.us if you would be willing to showcase the great work across our learning communities or know of others who should contribute to our growing network of resources.

Your professional contributions, collaboration and commitment to the success of our students is truly making a difference. We hope you find the Learning Design Resource to be valuable in your work!


Dr. Christina M. Kishimoto

Editor's Note: This website primarily contains accessible content vetted by our curricular team. However, some assets which are proprietary or licensed are linked to our staff intranet, which only authenticated staff can access. Learn more about the Hawai‘i DOE's website and intranet here.