Equity & Excellence

‘A‘ohe ‘ulu e loa‘a i ka pōkole o ka lou

An enduring commitment to equity is central to the mission and vision for Hawaiʻi schools. Framed by Nā Hopena Aʻo (HĀ), this principle conveys a shared understanding that all students should have access to rigorous, engaging, and well-rounded learning experiences aligned with the Hawaiʻi Core Standards. This value also reflects a belief that all students in Hawaiʻi can achieve academic success. Doing so requires that educators and students develop mindsets of growth and continuous learning. It also requires schools to put in place structures to sustain equitable and effective instructional practices.

Attention to equity translates to practice: Teachers set high expectations. They share intended purposes for lessons. They provide culturally responsive learning experiences to enable student success. Educational equity means that schools provide the rigor, resources, and support to remove barriers and create empowering and equitable opportunities for all students. Access via school design removes barriers and creates empowering and equitable opportunities for low-income students, English learners, and students with disabilities.

‘A‘ohe ‘ulu e loa‘a i ka pōkole o ka lou — There is no success without preparation