Focus on the Whole Child

Ua ola loko i ke aloha

The framework focuses on the whole child and Nā Hopena Aʻo by supporting students’ developmental needs from early childhood through adolescence. The interdependence between social, emotional, mental, physical, and academic development provides every student with positive school experiences and creates thoughtful, well-adjusted, and engaged citizens.

In addition to creating learning environments and opportunities that engage and challenge students, classrooms must be caring, safe, and supportive (BOE Policy E-101). Thus, students’ health, well-being, and developmental needs are priorities. Students are ready to learn and much more likely to succeed when their individual needs are met and their abilities are valued and nurtured. Efforts are underway nationally and internationally to move away from defining success solely as an academic achievement to a broader vision of educating the whole child that promotes long-term well-being.

Ua ola loko i ke aloha — Love is imperative to one’s mental and physical welfare